Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Damage to the Springthorpe Memorial

During some extremes of weather in late January 2018, the Springthorpe Memorial sustained some damage, due to fast and extreme temperature changes having an adverse impact on the marble.

The Boroondara Cemetery Trust’s primary responsibility, under the Act which governs the operations of cemeteries, is to see to the perpetual maintenance of the entire cemetery, so it is unable to expend its own funds on the repair or maintenance of substantial private memorials such as the Springthorpe Memorial.

The Trust is, however, actively investigating the condition of the memorial, seeking an expert review of its condition, and options for restoration of the memorial in the event that external funding can be obtained. The Trust has approached a number of suitably qualified parties in this matter, and has engaged with Heritage Victoria regarding this important memorial.

Note that the Cemetery website is being regularly updated with postings of additional facts regarding this and other projects on an ongoing basis.


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